Blue Star Blade Does It Shrink Your Dick

  • #1

Right, I'm not one who is scared of finasteride, taken it for two weeks now with zero sides, and tbh if I got some lower libido or weaker erections I'm not that arsed particularly. But the only thing that has alarmed me is people saying it could actually shrink your dick size, as in permanently. This is complete bollocks right?

  • #3

As long as you use keep using it, no it wont shrink.

what do you mean by this?

  • #6

Im on couple a weeks too on 1mg,i feel im not get horny as much i used too,but i still can get hard ,and yeah a mild shedding of hair when i run my finger through my hair anyone feels the same?

  • #10

Can you explain how this is scientifically possible? How can a drug alter the cellular make up of an organ.

  • #12

If you're taking finasteride and you notice something is "off" when it comes to your "pee pee"... It's the finasteride.
It's a hormone altering chemical that is slowly turning you into a woman.
Be your own BOSS and take finasteride and monitor the effect.

For me finasteride finally started to work after 1.5 years.

Unfortunately it also started to cause peyronies' disease.

I quit finasteride and I'm back to 'raging'...After 5 or 6 months...

  • #13

It happened to me but with Dutasteride. I didn't mind. But like it was said it's not really common, and if you're using it regularly you should be fine.

DHT is responsible for the development of the penis (before birth), after puberty testosterone is the main reason of the growth. But it's obvious DHT still plays its part. It's can even be used to increase the penis size for guys with micropenis.

But when you fully developed and have a normal sex life there is - almost - no reason to be worried about it.

How do you mean, it permanently altered your dick size? I'm not bothered about a temp loss in boner size, and I'll just use Viag anyway if I have any problems. Permanent shrinking of my dick I'm very bothered about. I just can't see how that would be possible scientifically.

  • #15

The possibility lies with the fact your body has multiple spontaneous erections every day - primarily when you're asleep at night. This is your bodies way of basically exercising your dick. If you're affected by finasteride to the point you no longer get these elections then it's possible it could atrophy. Just like when you break a leg and for 6 weeks it gets no exercise so it shrinks.

But your leg does not shrink, the muscle atrophies temporarily, the actual leg does not shrink. I tore my ACL and couldn't use my left leg for months and I have no permanent loss.


  • #18

But your leg does not shrink, the muscle atrophies temporarily, the actual leg does not shrink. I tore my ACL and couldn't use my left leg for months and I have no permanent loss.

You leg does not shrink because it has a bone structure. And by this I don't mean to imply that the penis shrinks due to lack of a bone (nor do I mean to imply that it doesn't) but is just so hilarious to compare your dick to your leg. :) muscle atrophy is a real thing though so in theory any muscle structure could shrink if not used.


  • #19

Permanently ? Maybe but I cannot be sure because when I stopped it I started Bica/spironolactone/Cypro/Lupron
My friend has been using dutateride for 7 years (0,5 to 1mg a day) and his dick is still fine, same size, but he doesn't let me check to make sure he's not lying (joking).

You do seem to be certain of your friend's manhood size... :)) ah, the craziness of hair loss...


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